
As mentioned in the Signer section, pandoras-box does not use the built-in ethers methods for sending transactions because of their overhead. The goal of pandoras-box is to maximize block utilization and blockchain network performance, and in order to do this, it needs to quickly send out transactions through the network's JSON-RPC endpoint.

The main disadvantage of using the built-in ethers methods is that each transaction sent to the JSON-RPC endpoint requires a separate eth_sendRawTransaction request, which opens a new HTTP connection each time. This can cause transactions to fail if the open file limit is reached or if the rate limits on the node handling the request are exceeded.

To avoid these issues, pandoras-box uses transaction batching, which allows transactions to be sent quickly in small groups (batches). The batch size is determined by the blockchain network and by the user initiating the stress test.

It is important to ensure that the batch size provided to pandoras-box matches the max batch JSON-RPC batch limit on the blockchain node/network to prevent transactions from being denied.

Last updated